Very different feeling following the ride this year. By definition you can only ever do something for the first time once. I got a little caught up in the emotion of the ride last year so just wanted to take a couple of deep breaths and wait a couple of weeks this year before putting pen to paper.
It's just such a great cause and I loved the people I rode with. Itinerary dependent, would love to be back next year. The challenge for me is that it isn't a ride that plays to my strengths and I have no embarrassment in admitting I struggled more than most.
The net result is that I was good for nothing more than barely completing the ride each day. Very little sightseeing, mingling, piss drinking , quality blogging, and just general contribution. Matty went past me this year as the funniest bloke on tour and probably opened up a bit of a gap. I think he d been planning on being a little funnier this year since the sting of silver last year.
I actually slipped out of the medals completely this year.
Closer to home this was the view from Kings Park last week.
Brendy and I started a bit of a program this week for the Taupo ride in NZ late November.
I cracked the frame on my old road bike ( either just too much power or carrying a couple of extra kegs, hard to know) and got a new frame under warranty.
I like this bike so much I've actually been licking it clean ( cat like) after rides in the rain.
If something tickles my fancy and is funny or interesting I'll resuscitate the blog again but until then look after yourselves.
If anyone wants to join this ride or has any questions or observations either leave a comment or email me at
Otherwise, ... jog on sisters.