Monday, 31 August 2015

Monday 31 August 2015

In a little bit of borderline celebrity news my old cocker spaniel Bruce (Fordy ) Ford was good enough to breeze thru Perth over the weekend. Mostly family stuff but we did manage to jam one quick hills ride in. Anyone who is only here in Perth for a day or two and wants to go for a guided or unguided ride in Perth but can't be arsed packing their bike for just one or two rides check out Velo Bike tours. Started by a guy who rides out of Garlands in South Perth (where we all ride from.) In a word - awesome. I'll put a link in here at some stage. Focus frame carbon fibre bikes with dura ace Di2 running gear. 

Nice to turn the tables on the old Fordy boy, normally it's us going from 4 degrees in winter to 34 degrees in Singapore (or 40 degrees plus in Cambodia) so to have him turn up here without arm warmers etc was a nice change of pace. He's a nuggety sort of a rooster tho so to his credit he just got on with the job. Punched down two back to back flat whites at Halo within moments of getting off his Focus,  and like that , he was gone again. 

Speaking of nuggety roosters here's a picture of my brother Mike. Honestly , what chance have we got of hanging on to his wheel in Taupo in a couple of months when he's parading around in that sort of nick? 

I'm  only chucking this picture in coz my Mums not 100% and she's just auto subscribed to this blog site so I know she'll see this and have to smile at such a great pic of her second favourite son. You'd think he'd do the righty and hoover down a couple more donuts before he rides with us again wouldn't you...

His daughter Rachel (22) did the Coast to Coast ironman earlier this year. Just such a huge achievement - not least at that age.

Ok - closer to home,  just checked the cyclo over - all looks operational. Might grab some eye drops and lip balm before Thursday and then it's hammer time. 

I get to Cambodia late Friday and the ride starts Monday. I'll put up a post over the weekend and until then look after yourselves.

Harry is off on a two night camp tomorrow - first time away from home for that length of time 😔. He's outraged he can't take his iPad. Heaven help us.!

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