Monday, 19 September 2016

RFNT Day 5 - 116k

Anyone who has read this blog for a bit knows that I'm a big fan of Oscar Wilde. 
I finished a series of posts following a Cambodia trip a couple of rides/ years ago with a saying of his that had stuck with me since I first read it;

"To most of us the real life is the life we do not lead"


"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are other people's opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

He was also responsible for;

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"

He was Irish, a brilliant scholar, author and playwright. He was also married with kids and gay. All this starting in the mid nineteenth century (1854 - 1900)
Some of the above I knew because I've been intrigued and fascinated by his life for quite a while and how it was he came to just "get" and then  articulate shit so well - but some of the stuff in this paragraph I just looked up now for you good folk while I was writing this.

Even guys who sit around for hours genuinely contemplating getting a tattoo of Wayne Barnes* head around the body's natural exit point or Whatsapping Kim Kardashian and one or more of her sisters want to read a book occasionally.

My father was quite a big reader and passed a bit of that on , particularly when we were young. Mum attended to the laughter , entertainment and social departments in our household. 

What's that? What has Oscar Wilde Wayne Barnes or my fathers bookshelf got to do with Day 5 ? 
Quite right. Ring all.

Caught up with Grizzy yesterday for a half a cup. As most of you know the Grizz  man describes himself as a modern man with traditional values. When quizzed about his 2016 reading habits unsurprisingly the big boy's straddling both the old world and the new,with paperbacks not yet a rarity around his Mt Lawley show stopper but with an ever increasing reliance upon the Kindle. 

I'll get day 5 completed shortly. 

*Wayne Barnes is the referee that refused to blow the whistle in the 2007 World Cup for the 5m forward pass thrown by a French outside back with the Tricolours scampering over for a 5 pointer to "win" against the mighty AB's by 2 points. To be fair to him he's been a pretty good ref since.

Phnom Penh airport on the way home.
Maybe 9.30am and that's wine glasses with wine in them - only a problem if you let it be..
L-R - Henry , Matty T and Sarah. Kent had just scuttled off to buy something.

Back with the Day 5 post (this time actually about Day 5 ) very soon

If today was your last day
And tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past.
Donate every time you're asked.
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories.
Would you forgive your enemies?


I'm not sure Nickleback ever got quite the credit they deserve/d as lyricists.

Now I really am going..

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