Saturday, 11 July 2015

What'd I tell you...

As you all know a post wouldn't be a post from me without my referencing some song. Music is funny isn't it, I read today that in 2010 Sotheby's sold John Lennons handwritten and original lyric sheet for A Day in the Life for $1.2m. It's that song that goes .. I heard the news today oh boy...Surely that couldn't be solely an investment based purchase? That song must have meant something to the buyer when you consider that you could just look the lyrics up online if you weren't certain of the exact words.

Been riding a little bit recently to get ready for Cambodia. It was 1 degree when our group was out on Thursday morning ,'s warmer in your fridge.

Given whatever I did in preparation for the ride for the last couple of years simply didn't work when I got over there in the very humid conditions I'm just carrying on with my normal riding this year other than doing a Strava Challenge to up the k's a bit. It's 50% of the Tour de France distance over 23 days and I'm about one third through it. Presumably it's designed to give you an insight into and involve you a little more in the Tour "experience". The irony being that coz u have to do a fair few k's each day you can't physically stay up long enough to watch any live coverage and actually wind up missing most of it.

My brother in law (Iain) is doing the ride this year for the first time. Anyone who has followed my blog from the beginning may remember him from the Wentworth golf pics ( and didn't he look a million bucks) . 

He's taken to riding like a duck to water. Only started riding in late March and is already posting numbers that 2 and 3 year riders would be pretty smug about. It'll be fabulous to have him along and not just that ...he'll add plenty to the "iaintertainment " .. see what I did there...

I've been sharing some of my cycling wisdom with him including  a couple of hard earned cycling credo's to live by including ..."when the market is brisk, the seller does not stop to wash the mud from his turnips"...I suspect he's been finding that calibre of advice very useful with the trip only weeks away. He hasn't said that directly but...

Here's a sentiment that I'll leave you with that also just makes sense. Back in a few days..

1 comment:

  1. Funny you mention turnips - growing up in Wales I was quite partial to the odd dirty turnip every now and again.....

    I can't wait for the ride - been training my butt off with that little possum Fordy - and can't wait to spend some quality time with you and the rest of the team !!
