Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The blog that can't die.

Harry, Joey and I got back from overseas  yesterday. We stayed with my sister Sarah , her husband Iain and their daughter Erin (7)  in Newbury , an hour west of London. 

From there we also took the two kids to Disneyland in Paris and also Portugal where Sarah and Iain have a holiday house - inconveniently located all of a couple of hundred meters from the beach. 

For anybody reading wondering how a cycling blog has morphed into a travel blog Sarah and Iain have stationary bikes at both of their houses.

I'm going to make some stuff up about the London activities. Paris and Disneyland and then lastly the Portugal trip. Believe it or not I had trouble getting a decent extra hot weak flat white in all three places. I'm currently doing a swot analysis and business plan for a cafe in London that only sells hot weak flat whites with a view to saving future travelers the heartache and turmoil I've just been through. 

Changing pace slightly, Iain and I played at Wentworth last Friday courtesy of Rob Tudor who's a member there. Pissed down with rain for the entire trip there -and home for that matter - but cleared up for the whole 18 holes! When does that happen.!

Here's the club house

I had a bit of trouble getting a hot weak flat white after  9 holes at the halfway hut but where dont you.? 

Heres Iain showing some textbook form. 
He badgered me for days to say that he absolutely crushed this drive.

Three posts to follow re the three places we went then I'm going to close this blog and get
my neighbour Jack to help me open a twitter account. He and his missus stayed at our house whilst we were away. That might be the subject of a fourth post.

See you tomorrow

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