Catapulted ourselves out of the cot this morning. On the road at 5.10am. When I ran the numbers I worked out I'd actually gotten up before I went to bed.

It's possible you could argue it was still late last night. I appreciate I'm laboring the point a little but I'm almost certain I spotted a werewolf - see photographic support above.
Awesome ride this morning. No fireworks just big Brend doing what he does - out the front and going large. Ive been very fortunate that Brend has taken his foot off the pedal for me for many weeks now.
It's tripled the enjoyment quota having someone to do those long rides with. We could barely tolerate each other 3 months ago but now were a fair way down the paperwork to adopt each other. A surprisingly uncommon process as it turned out.
Managed to sneak in half a cup of coffee with big Grizzy Grogan at the Office Cafe on Harrogate st this afternoon.One of the customers in there gave us a quick heads up on terminology for pictures in blogs etc and we were pretty hip there for four of five minutes. Grizzy was initially as confused as a baby in a topless bar but geez he comes up to speed with a rush for a big bloke.
Bike kit packed - check
Right , I'm about to smack it into turbo for an hour or so then next stop Cambodia.
I love the night life, I love to boogie.
Talk soon homies.
Good luck John! Look forward to following you Cambodian adventure and hope the blog gets a bit more interesting! haha only joking mate, it's been a good read so far. Big hug from NZ!! Will and Tami x